Routes For Sale
Mission Foods Route
- Price: $338,000
- Down Payment: $338,000
- Weekly Net: $2,500
- Location: Queens, NY

Route Description:
Mission Foods Route for sale covering Queens areas of Jackson Heights, East Elmuhurst, Sunnyside, and Woodside. Mission Foods distributes tortillas, multiple tortilla chip products, dips and more. Route currently goes out 5 days per week with 1-2 merchandising days and runs 6am to 2pm most days. This is the original owner bought directly from Mission and has never been split. The current owner is retiring after servicing this route close to 20 years and is willing to help train new owner. Plenty of potential for the route to be grown. As an option, seller has an entire second route with same numbers, and seller is willing to sell both routes and you will likely need to add an additional truck. No seller financing at this time. Please call for more details.
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